A Grain of Salt | ElbyJames
2 min readMay 3, 2020


Has it really come to this: we demand joggers to wear masks while jogging but conviently overlook the government’s lack of responsibility when it comes to supplying nurses, doctors, and staff at hospitals the proper PPE?

Now, I’m not talking about just Trump, I’m talking about both sides of the aisle; state, local, and federal level; left; right; far right; far left; and everyone inbetween. Yes, I’m talking about anatchists and libertarians also.

And if you’re going to demand people wear masks in public you will need to enforce people wearing PPE correctly, especially face masks.

I see people with their masks pulled down to their chin, nose uncovereded, masks hanging from their ears, and other ways unimaginable. Why are you even wearing a mask if you’re not going to wear it correctly?

Is it for reasons of vanity? Or are you trying to look like you care? Maybe you just don’t want to wear one, if so take it off. Wearing a face mask incorrectly has the same effects as not wearing one at all. Take it off, there’s no law (yet) which demands you wear one.

The worst is watching people smoke while wearing their masks. They will either pull the mask down whenever they take a drag from their fag, sometimes let the mask hang from their ears while smoking, or strangly enough have a fag protruding from their mask while wearing it (in)correctly.

I guess its a tough decision: cancer or COVID? Cancer or COVID?

Get you’re act together society and quit making stupid demands. Quit making stupid demands especially if you can’t take care of your medical staff in which I am one of them.



A Grain of Salt | ElbyJames

ElbyJames is an American disabled combat vet exiled in the UK & a free speech absolutist. He’s an occasional Top Writer