Low Expectations; Greater Happiness?

4 questions you need to ask yourself

A Grain of Salt | ElbyJames
5 min readApr 26, 2020
Low Expectations; Greater Happiness 4 questions you need to ask yourself
Photo by Austin Schmid on Unsplash

Imagine all your expectations being met no matter how high those expectations are.

  • Imagine graduating from college and recruiters are lined up waiting to offer you a job.
  • Imagine the cute woman at the café you see every morning on the way to work says hello to you.
  • How about getting hired at a Silicon Valley firm making upwards towards a six figure salary?

After being forward deployed to Iraq for a year — I’m a disabled combat vet — and then coming home and earning my graduate degree, I thought the world would be knocking down my door offering me job opportunities. Not so.

These are pretty high — and unrealistic — expectations. You would be lucky just to accomplish one of these expectations. People with high expectations can be easily disappointed. Those that have lower expectations can be more easily satisfied. This can result in greater happiness. When it comes to expectations, there are two things you need to remember.

Firstly, merely expecting something to happen won’t make it happen. An example of this would be your Christmas bonus; you received a bonus last year therefore, you should receive one this year.



A Grain of Salt | ElbyJames

ElbyJames is an American disabled combat vet exiled in the UK & a free speech absolutist. He’s an occasional Top Writer