A Grain of Salt | ElbyJames
1 min readSep 8, 2018

The former president, number 44 finally came out of hiding and have his speech, the “State of our Democracy” at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign campus today (Sept. 7th).

One disturbing thing he said was:

"We are Americans. We’re supposed to stand up to bullies, not follow them," Obama said. This sounds logical, who would ever deny this? He continues, "We’re supposed to stand up to discrimination and we’re sure as heck supposed to stand up clearly and unequivocally to Nazi sympathizers."

Nazi sympathizers? Is Obama stooping to the level of the far left? Is Obama an Antifa supporter? Is Obama’s radical roots showing?

This is coming from a man that the Left and the media idolizes. A man that is suppose to the voice of reason. A man that has been placed on a pedestal and worshipped like a demi-god.

Has Obama drank the kool aid?

If I said it once I’ve said it a thousand times: There are no Nazis.

A Grain of Salt | ElbyJames

ElbyJames is an American disabled combat vet exiled in the UK & a free speech absolutist. He’s an occasional Top Writer